Category: Film Reviews

  • Raindance Film Festival – Virtual Reality Summit

    Raindance Film Festival – Virtual Reality Summit

    I have always been fascinated by Virtual Reality. I remember the earliest incarnations of VR from my childhood – those giant ‘cinema 180’ screens, which convinced my brain that I was on a roller-coaster, despite just standing in front of a huge screen in a tent at a fair. Science fiction promised me so much…

  • Raindance Film Festival – Virtual Reality Arcade

    Raindance Film Festival – Virtual Reality Arcade

    Quite frankly, nothing has the ‘wow’ factor like Virtual Reality. Not even the biggest IMAX screen, showing the latest Hollywood blockbuster, can compare to the total immersion, which VR can provide. The other night, Dan & I were transformed into little kids, when we descended into watery depths in a shark cage, courtesy of Playstation’s…

  • Embrace of The Serpent

    ‘Embrace of the Serpent’ is a film about the Amazonian shaman, Karamkate, who travels the river, forty years apart, with two separate German ethnologists, searching for the mysterious and psychedelic Yakruna plant.

  • Midnight Special

    I like science fiction. I am aware that, for many, this is the one genre which they are not prepared to tolerate but you can blame ‘Star Wars’ for my infatuation. In fact, I suspect that my entire love of cinema is born out of that first film’s glorious opening moment, as the Star Destroyer…

  • Legend

  • IMAX – Everest, The Martian & The Walk

  • BFI London Film Festival 2015

    BFI London Film Festival 2015

    It was the British Film Institute’s London Film Festival in October and I was delighted to see many great and inspiring new flicks. So, thirteen films, in as many days? Let’s get going…